Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Fiona Girl?

This evening I got home, sprawled on the couch and passively watched the cats do their cat thing. Little Fiona was doing as all well-groomed kitties do: she was cleaning her fur and polishing her refined image. But while she was doing it, I noticed...something.

Suspicious, I called my mom up and asked her how to sex a cat. She said it was hard to tell, but I reported to her what I had witnessed, and she started laughing.

Yep. Turns out dear, sweet Fiona Girl is a Fiona Boy!!!

I can't deny I'm a little disappointed, because Fiona Girl was fun to say. Not only that, but I was so used to thinking she was a pretty girl. Now...a pretty boy. Not as great a social connotation. (But cats are always above that, eh?)

That's probably why "she" likes beer.

Saint Arnold's - at least he has good taste.

Now I've got to come up with a new name for him. Any suggestions?


Bee said...

How about "Finny Boy"?
Cute picture! :o)

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmm.....let me think about that one! That's funny! Do you remember the 2 cats that we used to have (back when I was still in high school)? There was a black one w/ no tail named Eva and a black and white one named Zsa Zsa. Well, as it turned out....Zsa Zsa was not a she. So....I ended up naming him Ernie (what a switch, huh??? ha ha) If I think of any.....I'll let you know!

Berta said...

I think I remember Ernie!

Finny Boy! Fun to say.

It should also be noted that I have an Oliver cat, so I was thinking something with an "O". Oliver and Owen? Though I'm not sure Owen suits him.

This will take time!

Anonymous said...

How about Anoif (it's Fiona spelled backwards.....hey, it would make a great conversation starter!).

Anonymous said...

Onesimus. I don't know where I've heard that name just popped in my head when you mentioned an 'O' name.

Anonymous said...

I have pictures of you and RJ holding Ernie. None of Eva, though. She was a shy girl.

Bee said...

I love the name Oliver! When my sister was pregos she thought she was having a boy and I begged her to name him Oliver so that I could say "'ello, Ollie" [with an English accent] but she said no. It's okay, she wound up having a girl instead...
I also like the name Harold but I don't know why.

Berta said...

My Oliver has his own nickname - "Ollie Ollie!" Must be said with high volume and with a stress on the second Ollie.

I have pics of him under "The Berta Fam"

Aunt Katie - what the heck is the origin of Oneismosssehrhe?

sounds samoan! or something. hehehe.