Monday, October 22, 2007

Riding Fun

My birthday weekend, I got quite a treat - a lesson with a former Olympian. Here are a few pics:

This horse is the love of my life. Eat your heart out, boys.

Happy as a horse-ridin' clam.

Whoaaa. Some serious brakes for a serious train.

Nice relaxedness. Or, as relaxed as I can be out of shape and sitting an energetic trot.



Anonymous said...

Oooooh....I'm jealous! Ha ha! This cool weather makes me want to be on a horse right about now. This time of the year always reminds me of the days we used to spend out there at Welta's riding, shoveling, brushing, feeding, training, relaxing and having so much fun.

Bee said...

I haven't been on a horse since I was about 15.
I remember those days, waking up early having camped out and getting ready to go riding.
We used to go to Pine Valley California which is now almsot gone due to the wild fires! :o(

Joseph said...

these pictures are even better the second time i've seen them, I swear... and you picked all the best ones. look at that horse-induced-smile....

Berta said...

Aunt Katie - yesss. This is perfect horse-riding weather.

Those days at Welta's were so so fun, weren't they?

Bee - that's awesome - camping in California! Two of my favorite things!

Sad that it's almost gone, though..

Son of Nink - Hehe. Horse-induced smiles are the best kind.