Monday, October 22, 2007

Fall is Here!

Our first cool front blew in today, and fall has finally officially arrived to Houston, TX. For the next couple of days, at least. Then summer will return, inevitably.

We've been teased by a few "cooler" days here and there. Cooler meaning below 90 degrees (and even 90 degrees is cool around these parts). Fall in Houston generally means less-humid days. So at least there is some reward for enduring the oppressive heat of summer.

In the morning my boss called me in to her office to see the front line. Always fun to see a dramatic indication of change like that - the line went diagonally across the whole sky. Behind it were several more lines, and finally crescendoed into a thick roll of clouds underneath the cover. I went outside to go get a better look, with the weather still warm and sticky. Soon after, the temperature dropped 10 degrees or so in a matter of minutes.

Heck yeah! It's about flipping time!

After I got off work, I was ridiculously excited about going for a run. Finally I wouldn't gasp for air! It was so great, I went for an extra ten minutes. Everyone else running on the trail seemed pretty stoked about the weather, too. The regulars all had an extra spring in their step, and many had smiles on their faces. Everyone loves a break from the perma-heat and humidity.

I just looked at the ten day forecast, and it looks like cooler weather all week. Yeah!


Bee said...

I wish I had your energy! I just want to curl up and read a book by an open window! Maybe maybe a little walk... ;op

Joseph said...

hehe, perma-heat.

its funny, 'cause you ran an extra ten minutes... when ten full minutes of running would probably leave me in pretty ugly shape. for me... any ten minutes of running is an extra ten minutes of running...

Joseph said...

also, I really really like when you can see fronts like that, its so damn cool looking. reminds me of Independence Day or something. and its cool that fall comes in ten minutes in houston....

here, there wasn't a fall at all. we've already got permanent snow on the ground... although it is a bit warmer today.

Berta said...

Bee - I looooove cold weather, so I'm serious when I say I envy yours ;)

Ninkovich - Houston weather = perma-heat. Ugh. And perma-humidity.

Berta said...

And one more thing Nink, I want snow!!!

sylvia said...

portland, roberta. portland!!