Thursday, October 4, 2007

Big City

Living in Houston has the capacity to practically give me a coronary at the tender age of 25. Thankfully, it has given me some insight on what big city life is really like. Most importantly on why I never want to live in a big city ever again.

The 20 mile commute home from work today triggered yet another bout of frustration with city life.

Houston traffic is always a nightmare, but today it was extra-hellish. I actually drive against traffic, because I work outside of town and live closer to downtown (to meet the really cool people I haven't actually met yet). Usually there are about three snags that I have to get through, with relatively smooth sailing in between. Today, traffic was backed up at mile one all the way down to mile 19. Someone was looking out for me for that mile number 20...wheee...

The way it happens here...stop....and go....and get the idea. During one stop, and then a go, I apparently wasn't accelerating quickly enough for the guy behind me. He honked. I ignored. Whatever. Just kept accelerating, but he was right on my tail. I mean right on my bumper. I didn't get out of the way, because I couldn't. There were cars all around me. No way I was going to accommodate this dip and risk anything to get out of the way.

This guy starts trying to swerve and change lanes, or just tell me in plain road rage language that he was pissed. Finally he found a hole. You wouldn't believe, what this guy did. He squeezes in front of a car in the right lane, stomps the gas, changes lanes again. Then, he swerves in front of me rather violently and stomps his brakes.

So I calmly change lanes, and keep driving forward, still trying to ignore the situation. I get closer to him in a different lane, and the jerk swerves into my lane and nearly runs me off the road!

At this point, I slowed down and got away. It took the remaining 18 miles for my heart to stop racing. Even mile 20 didn't make things right.

You know how they say climbing one stair lengthens your life by four seconds? Well, driving in Houston one day shortens your life by four hours. Add to that the pollution, humidity, and the pavement to reflect all that right back in your face and well, you've got quite a wholesome environment. In Houston years, I'm old enough to retire!

Ugh. One more reason to get the hell out of dodge. At least I know I don't have to live here my whole life. Next stop: mid-size city bliss. Can't wait!


Joseph said...

yep.... big cities are hellish jungles. I sure do love brunswick. and Irkutsk, my home away from home. although drivers here are five times as reckless as anybody at home...

but the thing is, they aren't dips about it (ha, you used the word dip!) its nothing personal, and they never hold grudges. they just drive like they hate everybody equally.

hehe, houston years. In mid-size city years you're probably about 25... but just imagine if you moved out into the country, or even better, onto some tropical island! you could start all over again at 10, or 5!

the worst about about stories like this.... is the guy who drives like the biggest ass ever, and endangers everyone else... you never get to see him get pulled over. and then when you get a ticket for not notifying them about an address change... you really lose faith in the system. but i try to tell myself that eventually, they'll get a ticket bigger than all my tickets ever combined.

P.S. hi!

P.P.S. i really, really like your blog... it should be an example for all other bloggers. just.. written for you, and people who care about what you're up to... and personal, but not just a really personal diary online... fun to read... with pretty pictures... lots of horses...

well the point is, if i knew how to work blogger, and the instructions were in english, I'd add you to my 'blogs i read' list.

Bee said...

Hmmm... maybe I shouldn't tell you my commute is 5 minutes... ;o)

Berta said...

Ninkovich - they didn't name the book "the jungle" for nothin'

If I moved to a tropical island, I'd be as giddy as a five-year-old.

A coworker and I were talking about the ticket the other day, and how I basically got charged a HUGE admin fee, late payment charge, whatever. But the base of the matter is - its an ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICALITY ticket. And yeah, when I see jerks like this driving like madmen and never see them caught. Sheesh. Enough to want to move to a tropical island.


PS Hiii!

Bee - yeah, perhaps you should spare me! I might get a little envious ;)