Tuesday, December 4, 2007

This One's for Bee

So I got tagged. Tagged to talk about 7 random things, and 8 embarrassing things. hahaha! We'll see how this goes.


1. Let it be known that I just made the most perfect batch of wild rice ever made. It is much more difficult than it seems. This achievement comes after weeks of soggy rice, crunchy rice, and way-too-puffy rice. Blechh.

2. My cat Oliver - he loves to be spanked. And the harder the better. Ohhh yeah!

3. Are these supposed to be about me? Or my cats? And can I cheat by taking up a whole number with this?

4. Gossip magazines are my deepest, darkest guilty pleasure. I just loooove going to the salon, because I can catch up on Brangelina and best and worst dressed!

5. I have this thing for matched pajama sets. And lots of colors - purple, blue, pink, grey, green, red. My pajama wardrobe outdoes my real deal by far - nothing coordinates better!

6. I love love love vintage clothes but I have zero patience when it comes to hunting them down. So I have essentially none.

7. Cars and people's obsession with them annoy me. It gets you from point A to point B...

And embarrassing things:

These are going to be harder...

1. Back in college I worked at Sonic for one week as a carhop. They told me that if I could skate they would pay me an extra $1 an hour. So I strapped 'em on, confident that my handful of childhood experiences at the skating rink provided all the skill I needed. Things were going well, so long as I went slowly and put on the breaks well before my destination. My head was getting bigger, and I took out an order for two Route 44 drinks to go out to the station on the very end. I was skating along without a thought, when the pavement suddenly went down sharply at the last station. My head flung back as I made a desperate attempt to cling to the end pole. Whoaaa whooaa whoaaaaaaa! My whole body convulsed trying to balance myself and that cursed tray when, sploosh! The slushes went everywhere (and the pound of sticky sugar), including all over the customer's car. Lovely. After bringing them another round (in my socks), they gave me an extra dollar "for the entertainment."

2. This isn't embarrasing for me, but for my brother. Who never reads my blog. So muaahaa! When we were in high school, he wanted so badly to be a "real" man and have facial hair. He had an adorable little cluster of black hairs in the center of his chin, and would spend an hour each morning shaving it. (In unison now) Awwwww!!! :->

3. When I was in San Francisco this summer, I was walking with a friend along Fisherman's Wharf checking out the scenery. I was busy taking pictures and oohing and ahhing when this bush jumped out at me out of nowhere! I screamed bloody murder (which...I never do...ever), only to find it was a street "performer." hmph.

I'm really reaching here. These embarrassing stories are hard to remember...

4. Ah here's one! So back in middle school (when all the kids are so understanding of each other) I was in a history class taking a test. I felt some...uncomfortable pressure...and accidentally ripped one, thereby disturbing the intense test-taking concentration of all of my classmates. I heard a few snickers and tried desperately to act casual, thinking that maybe I pulled it off (and forgetting that people can actually HEAR where it comes from and witness my red face and stiff posture). As with all those classic preteen horror stories, the boy of my dreams was sitting right behind me. He took it upon himself to inform me of my own accidental bodily functions. "Hey Roberta, did you have some gas or something?? Haha!" I had such good taste in boys back then.

5. I've got nothing else.

Well, here you go, a little window to embarrassment. And randomness.


Bee said...

BWAHAHAHA! AWESOME! You realize you're gonna get allot of "bad kitty" remarks right? ;op

The brother thing, I had 3 that did the same thing! Be prepared cuz I'm gonna send people over here tomorrow! :o)

Bee said...

I'm glad I wasn't the only one unable to come up with embarrassing things. Some bloggers actual came up with more than 8!

Berta said...

Hehehe. I always do.

Why are the embarrassing stories hard to remember? Is it a memory-blocking thing??

Jean Knee said...

haaaa I think the cat thing is too funny. cats are so freaking weird. Do you pet him when he's done something bad?

I can only think of embarrasing things that happened to other people

Brian o vretanos said...

I can't think of embarrassing moments either - I think it is a memory blocking thing.

Jean Knee: Maybe, then, you should get someone else to list your embarrassing moments?

Berta said...

Jean Knee - well I used to pull his tail, but now have found he likes that, too!

Brian - yep. Block out those life-changing "traumatic" moments!

Anonymous said...

"Selective memory" for sure. If we ask others for embarrasing stories about ourselves I'm sure they'll remember--just like we remind others of things they wish to forget.

Celebrity gossip: one of my favorite things to read about too!!! I like to check out tmz.com (check it out) when I don't have anough time to read the magazines at the checkout line...

Big Dad said...

Were you the one in my my class that let it rip? ‡o)
It happened to my girlfriend when she was a freshman. She refused to go to school for a week after that!

Berta said...

anonymous - one more way to fulfill my animalistic gossip urges!

big dad - I could have easily stayed home for the remainder of the year...