Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Whew. These first two week days have been rough. After spending a week in Colorado, work was a challenge. Maybe it was the thin air, or a week with absolutely no engagement of my mind, but my brain was just not working. Still not cranking too smoothly even as I write.

Previous vacation returns haven't been too bad, but I think that's because they weren't for an entire week. Love the week, but it makes going back all that much harder.

So today I was writing a memo to explain to x person y situation and how it pertains to z. Normally, I can bang those things out and feel satisfied that I am making my point clearly. This one, though, took me about twice as long; I printed it out to edit as usual. After reading the first paragraph, I was...surprised. Lots of choppy sentences, over-explanation, and very very repetitive.

Me: "did I actually write this crap??"

Hence the lack of blog entries since my return. Sorry, all, or um, the five people that actually read this page. I'll get back on the ball this week. Promise.

Anyway, entry to come on my trip to Colorado, once I muster the brain power and inspiration. Pictures, at least, will be up. In the meantime, wish me luck with work.


Anonymous said...

Welcome home.....have missed you. Hope you had a fun vacation in Colorado (heard you might move there????? what a beautiful place to live! You'll have to fill us in on your trip perhaps through your next post!) You haven't missed much on the ol' Just Write frontier. I have not been writing as I did this summer when I had more time....Mackenzie started school and with that, comes a full and crazy calendar, which leaves less time for me to blog :( But...am still trying to do at least one time per week just to stay in the habit. Will look forward to future blogs from you! Love, Aunt Katie

ps...your picture looks like how I feel today....ha ha! Desperately in need of sleep.

Berta said...

Nope. No moving to colorado just yet. I was way too conflicted about it. But, at the right time, I will indeed move somewhere. Don't want to stay in texas my whole life.

I bet things are busy with Mackenzie starting school. Suddenly there is a stricter schedule! ahh!

Hehe. That picture was taken with the fish eye effect. Like how I felt yesterday.

Joseph said...

well, i could be a good friend, and talk about all the stuff you wrote...

or i could just say, that... is a really funny picture. ahaha!