Sunday, November 18, 2007

Vacation Time

Ahhhhhh I am so looking forward to this week. I have one day of work tomorrow, then I am off to Canyon Lake to spend a week in the boonies. Bare minimum work stress, lots, and I mean lots of dogs, and lots of visits to the lake.

This will also allow me to do those things that have been put on the back burner lately - books I want to read, running, horseback riding, blogging, and general relaxation.

Yeah, I've got some high relaxation ambitions. I'll be turbo-relaxing. Though I'll probably slash 90% of the above. But then, that's what vacation is all about. No schedules, obligations, nothing. Looking forward to it.

I'll miss the cats, though. I've begun packing for the week, and they know that when the suitcase comes out I leave very soon after. Oliver just uncharacteristically jumped up and curled up into my lap with a forlorn meow. Poor guy... Little does he realize I've found the perfect cat-sitters! My neighbors (who love animals) have kindly offered to watch over them for the week. I will have peace of mind.

Vacation ho! Something like that.


Anonymous said...


I haven't blogged in a bit because when I tried to sign on the last time, I got some weird msg about unsecured sites or something. Our virus protection on our computer is expired and we haven't renewed it yet and so on......sooooooo, I have kinda stayed away from internet stuff for a bit. But....logged in tonight and all was well for now. Thought I'd say, 'hi'. Hi! :)

Bee said...

You're probably on vaca now! So jealous!

Bee said...

BERTA! Where are you? Don't pretend to hide cuz I just tagged you for one of those MEME things! Come check it out at my blog.